A tailored strategy personalised for your specific goals and investing needs
Access expert-built, high performing passive portfolios and start growing your wealth today.
Our expert-built, high performing passive portfolios make it easy to start building long-term wealth by managing your risk, maximizing returns, and minimizing taxes.
A tailored strategy personalised for your specific goals and investing needs
Expert-built diversified portfolios offering better returns with less work
Automated rebalancing aiming to maintain the appropriate portfolio mix for you and your goals
Audio Guides & learning resources to guide you as you start to invest and build your wealth
No paying to have your money managed, unlike other robos
Set it and don’t forget it. Invest on auto-pilot while still staying informed
We rebalance your portfolio, automatically diversify deposits, and can help save you taxes, all without you ever lifting a finger.
Everyone’s financial situation is different. Get personal recommendations based on what you want to accomplish, whether that’s retirement or simply building wealth.
Pick one of our high performing diversified portfolios that interests you. They’re built by experts using low-cost exchange-traded funds.
Automated trading, rebalancing, and dividend reinvestment, we put our technology behind every dollar you invest.
Investing means aligning money with something meaningful to you. Whatever your dreams are, you can use our technology and expertise to help make them a reality.
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please contact us directly.
Dexterr is India's first passive only wealth tech platform built by a team that has previously managed Rs. 50,000+ crore. We enable you to invest in high performing passive expert built portfolios that help you create wealth and achieve your financial goals.
Customer support team members are available five days per week to answer questions about your account.
If you want in-depth financial advice, you can talk to a licensed advisor by phone for an additional cost.
What we do is complicated. What you do is really really not. Just answer a few questions, and we’ll build an investment portfolio with your name on it. Then, as soon as your money arrives, we invest it just like we said we would.
We make it easy! Get started by signing up on our platform and start investing after answering a few questions.
Yup. You can customize your Dexterr portfolio six ways to Sunday, both when you’re first opening a new account or at any point afterwards.
Again, that’s not a question. But you don’t always need to sell your investments to move them. We make the transfer process free, simple, and tax-efficient.
Well, it’s your money, so you can withdraw it at any time.
In the last couple of years passive Ecosystem in India has become really deep and diverse. This is where Dexterr makes all the difference. We ensure that Dexterr Portfolio do significantly better than Nifty 50 Index. The Portfolio construction is 100% scientific and backed by the data. The Dexterr Portfolio is the easiest way to make your money work hardest for you.