What is Dexterr?

Dexterr is India's First Passive-Only Weath Tech Platform. We make it delightfully easy for you to build wealth on autopilot.

Helping you achieve your dreams

We're here to help people turn everyday investments, no matter how small, into your dreams, no matter how big.

Dreams are different for everyone.

They can feel big, like retiring early. It can feel urgent, like getting a car. Or it can just feel helpful, like using recurring deposits so you never forget to save.

You deserve financial peace of mind.

That's where we come in. We're here to simplify overly-complex ideas. To help you set goals and give purpose to your money. To build peace of mind into your financial future.

We offer the best of both worlds.

We do that by combining easy-to-use, automated investing technology with great advice so you can reach your financial goals and dreams.

Built by a team that has done it before.

Trusted Clients
Crores in AUM
Years of Experience

Arpit Nagda

Founder & CEO

Vijay Gummani

Co-Founder & COO

Sreeraj Thamarappilly

Co-Founder & CTO